mercredi 1 octobre 2014

A quote from Jung

Thank you Mr Jung ! 

"Is is about letting come.
The East taught me what it expresses with " Wu Wei ", which means the non acting action,
 the let it happen -which is not doing nothing -
Others also have understood that.Like when Mr. Eckhardt talks about "to let oneself".
 The dark place we hit then is not empty
We meet there the "caregiver mother", the "pictures" and the " seed ".
When the surfa
ce is cleared, everything can come from the depths.
But if men do not know how to go further, the only advice that makes sense is to

wait what the unconscious has to say about the situation.

If there is a way, it is only the way we open ourselves  (...).
 Therefore there is no general directions that say "how we should do."

Carl Jung - Psychiatrist ans psychotherapist

Pia Granjon Lecerf
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Coach
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