mardi 17 mars 2015

Breathing, Meditating

Hope this picture will give you a good feeling !
Patagonia, Argentina 


This morning, I decide to close my eyes and pick up one book from my library.
I grabbed:

“Meditate - Day after day » by Christophe André

Then I opened a page and the chapter said 


My thoughts started to unroll . . .
Breathing …

Breathing sets the tempo of our body. 
Of our thoughts. 

Each of our organs has its own rhythm, its own way to work and they all are linked. 
Breathing is one of those links.

When you are stressed, your breathing changes instantly. 
It becomes faster, shallow and sits in your upper chest

Our breath, interior invisible wind, never stops moving.

No life without it. It connects our inside to the outside world.

Breathing is a powerful way to be in the present moment. Connecting to it, feeling it and following it.

Breathing is a precious moment to nestle into the rhythm of your being. 
Not before, not after. Now and where you are in that instant.

Working on one’s breath is, for a moment at least, getting rid of some pain, 
slowing down one’s pace too often intense.

I suggest that several times a day, you follow your breath, imagine that it nourishes your body; 
become aware of its own pace; of its journey in your body. 
'Play' with it, accelerate it, slow it down.

Gradually, it will become easier to make it just a little quieter, a little slower.

If your breathing is centered at the top of your chest, 
consciously move it down toward your lower abdomen.
That's where its natural nest is.

A few minutes a day, no more default breathing. 
Conscious breathing instead.

It is a nice present. 
For you and those around you.

Have a great day !

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