jeudi 4 décembre 2014

your body, mind & soul

London poppies exhibition being taken off

A thought I feel like sharing with you this morning.

How do you wake up your body, mind and soul in the morning ?

Oh yeah, I know. Coffee / Tea for most of us Sapiens Sapiens, right ? 
Coffee / Tea  are brilliant for the mind ! A good kick in !

Your body and your soul need to wake up in the best condition too !

Recipe ? None, sorry ! As usual !
Joking on this one !

I believe there is a good one.

Should take you what, 10 to 20 mn ? Or less if you are just starting.

Take it easy.

I am talking about a few stretching / yoga mouvements.

And a meditation.

This is a winning recipe. 
I can assure you.

And I will never repeat that enough. 
You do not need to be a yogi to meditate.

You just need to offer yourself a natural pace of being for a short yet important time.

A the beginning, just follow your breath and feel it going through your body, in and out.

Wishing you a fabgical day !

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