lundi 17 novembre 2014

Femininity / masculinity

Stonhenge, UK

Bonjour !

I am working on the notion of femininity at the moment.
And so of course on masculinity as well.
All always go with its opposite as it is lays on the same line. Always connected.

Since those notions of femininity and masculinity are very strongly connotated:

How comes that boys is crying ? 
How comes that girl is swearing freely ?

If it is nowadays commonly considered that we all have femininity and masculinity within us, how do we know it and how do we define it ?

And above that, how knowing this could help us in certain domains of our life ?

Knowing our self better leads to knowing others better as well as our environment.

Therefore have a more clear and less frustrated choices to make
Could you state a few of your feminine traits and a few of your masculine traits ?

Could you state a few reactions you have stopped having as you thought they were not suitable for you being a man / you being a girl ?

Be aware that social connotations may stop the freedom of your thoughts.

We are back to the notion of ‘are my beliefs really mine ?’

Be happy even though it is Monday !

Pia @

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